Andrea Thompson

Air Hug was written the day after the Nova Scotia massacre, using colour blocking to express the grieving process as described by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.

The following two pieces feature highway signs, posted during the early days of lockdown. The text is intentionally hard to read - to mimic the current climate of information obfuscation.

Collateral Damage is a commentary on the “deaths of despair” and under-reported fatalities resulting from draconian lockdown policies.

Flatten the Curve reflects on how quickly perceptions and priorities shift in times of trauma. (The 1918 flu pandemic is believed to have claimed up to 50 million lives, while current WHO statistics report the global COVID death toll at 730 000 – more comparable to seasonal influenza with mortality up to 650 000 annually.)

Community Guidelines is my attempt at pithy humour, which really masks the numbness, outrage and terror I feel at the increase of social media censorship and the Orwellian violation of the basic human right to express public dissent that such tyrannical technocratic shenanigans represent. 
